blackfire-extension allows you to use blackfire assertions inside atoum.
The Blackfire PHP-SDK has a built-in PHPUnit integration. This extension does the same, but for atoum.
Let's take this example.
namespace Tests\Units;
use Example as TestedClass;
use atoum;
class Example extends atoum
public function testExemple()
->assert('main.wall_time < 2s', "Temps d'execution")
->profile(function() {
sleep(4); //just to make the test fail
//some code to profile
// ...
//you also can run atoum assertions inside this callable
//but beware, atoum's logic will also be profiled.
When running this test, the callback will be automatically instrumented and execute on Blackfire the assertions defined by the Configuration. If they fail, an atoum error will be displayed.The above example will have this output :
Install it
Install extension using composer:
composer require --dev atoum/blackfire-extension
Enable and configure the extension using atoum configuration file:
// .atoum.php
require_once __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'vendor' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'autoload.php';
->setClientConfiguration(new \Blackfire\ClientConfiguration($_ENV['BLACKFIRE_CLIENT_ID'], $_ENV['BLACKFIRE_CLIENT_TOKEN']))
Other examples
Define custom metrics
->defineMetric(new \Blackfire\Profile\Metric("example_method_calls", "=Example::method"))
->assert("metrics.example_method_calls.count < 10")
->profile(function() {
$testedClass = new TestedClass();
for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) {
You can learn more about this on the custom metric's section of Blackfire documentation.
Pass your own profile configuration
$profileConfiguration = new \Blackfire\Profile\Configuration(),
$profileConfiguration->setTitle('Profile configuration title'),
$testedClass = new TestedClass()
->assert("main.peak_memory < 10mb")
->profile(function() use ($testedClass) {
You can learn more about this on the profile basic configurable's section of Blackfire documentation.
Pass a custom client
You can either pass the blackfire client in the .atoum.php
config file (when loading the extension). In that case the client will be used in all the blackfire assertions. You also can load/overload it in the blackfire
assert. For example:
$config = new \Blackfire\ClientConfiguration($_ENV['BLACKFIRE_CLIENT_ID'], $_ENV['BLACKFIRE_CLIENT_TOKEN']);
$client = new \Blackfire\Client($config);
->assert('main.wall_time < 2s')
->profile(function() {
//code to profile
Test filtering
To avoid running the test if the blackfire extension is not loaded, you can use the @extensions
* @extensions blackfire
public function testExemple()
->defineMetric(new \Blackfire\Profile\Metric("example_method_calls", "=Example::method"))
->assert("metrics.example_method_calls.count < 10")
->profile(function() {
$testedClass = new TestedClass();
for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) {
You can add this annotation on both the test method or the test class.
Then, when running the test, the classes/methods with this annotation will be skipped if the extension is not present/loaded:
Success (1 test, 0/1 method, 0 void method, 1 skipped method, 0 assertion)!
> There is 1 skipped method:
=> Tests\Units\Example::testExemple(): PHP extension 'blackfire' is not loaded
You also can use atoum's tags and the ruler extension to only run the blackfire tests.
blackfire-extension is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.