This extension allows you to precisely filter test cases to run with a "natural language".
The extension adds a --filter
option to atoum. This line now appears on the atoum help:
--filter: Filters tests to execute. For example 'not("featureA" in tags) and namespace = "foo\bar"'
You can now filter your tests using any Hoa\Ruler filter.
./vendor/bin/atoum -d tests --filter 'not("featureA" in tags) and namespace = "foo\bar"'
This will only launch test that are not tagged with "featureA" and have the foo\bar
Available filters
Those variables are available in the filter:
(as an array)extensions
(as an array)
Install it
Install extension using composer:
composer require --dev atoum/ruler-extension
The extension will be automatically loaded. If you ever want to unload it, you can add this to your configuration file:
// .atoum.php
use mageekguy\atoum\ruler;
Filter on tags
Run all tests who have the needsDatabase
./vendor/bin/atoum -d tests --filter 'tags contains "needsDatabase"'
Run all tests except those who have the needsDatabase
./vendor/bin/atoum -d tests --filter 'not (tags contains "needsDatabase")'
You can also use the ruler's default in
operator, but in that case that's less readable:
./vendor/bin/atoum -d tests --filter 'not ("needsDatabase" in tags)'
Read more about tags in atoum's documentation.
Filter on the test method name
Run all tests with a method named testMethod1
./vendor/bin/atoum -d tests --filter 'method = "testMethod1'
Run all tests with a method named testMethod1
(using an array representing a list of methods to filter):
./vendor/bin/atoum -d tests --filter 'method in ["testMethod1"]'
Filter on the test classname
Run the test with the mageekguy\atoum\ruler\tests\units\testClass1
./vendor/bin/atoum -d tests --filter 'class = "mageekguy\atoum\ruler\tests\units\testClass1'
Filter on the test namespace
Run all tests in the mageekguy\atoum\ruler\tests\units
./vendor/bin/atoum -d tests --filter 'namespace = "mageekguy\atoum\ruler\tests\units'
Filter on the tested class name
Run the tests that test the mageekguy\atoum\ruler\testClass1
./vendor/bin/atoum -d tests --filter 'testedclass = "mageekguy\atoum\ruler\testClass1'
Filter on the tested class namespace
Run the tests that test the classes in the mageekguy\atoum\ruler
./vendor/bin/atoum -d tests --filter 'testedclassnamespace = "mageekguy\atoum\ruler'
Filter on the test required extensions
Run all tests that needs the blackfire extension :
./vendor/bin/atoum -d tests --filter 'extensions contains "blackfire"'
You can also use the ruler's default in
operator, but in that case that's less readable:
./vendor/bin/atoum -d tests --filter '"blackfire" in tags'
You can read more about the test required extensions in atoum's documentation.
Apply multiple filters
You can also define more complex filters like this: Run all tests tagged needsDatabase
and with method testClass1
or with a method testClass
./vendor/bin/atoum --filter '("needsDatabase" in tags and method = "testClass1") or (method = "testClass")'
ruler-extension is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.